Assalamualaikum and Hello Readers!
I don't have anything interested to share in this blog lately, so I will tell some stories about me. It happened September 2015. Another great experience for me, yeayyy.
I have joined Minggu Haluan Siswa (MHS) for the second time, but for this one, it was for the new degree student. Even thought I am a diploma student, I joined this and I learned about how to communicate with people who is older than me. Tbh, there are some degree student who are same age as me, but they call me Akak. Huhuhu, It is okay, they don't know that I am a diploma student.
So, let the pictures tell you the story!
My group member and I.
Fiqa and I with the sore eyes. Before this picture was taken by Paan, Fiqa and I were sleeping soundly in that comfortable cinema chair. When we were awake, we saw Paan and I called him and force him to take a picture of us. Haha!
Once again, I was in Unit Modul dan Sambutan. The most tiring unit with the most members in it.
1st day of MHS. The most tiring day and I managed to get over with it. Hoorrayyy nana!
When the student get the comfortable chairs, we sat at the back of the hall. For that night, Fiqa and I could wear baju kurung, if not we must wear the MHS shirt for the whole day. In the night, we will wash the shirt and dry it and wear it again the day after. Tsk!
'Even if you are tired as hell, you must smile. If not said 'tiga', It will help you to smile'. They always said this quote to us.
Oh ya! For their orientation week, there were some celebrities came visiting them such as the reporter of ntv7, the emcee for Nasi Lemak Kopi O show, and the most popular celebrities were Fahrin Ahmad and Izzue Islam. I envy them.
The most annoying thing to do. Not only the student hate this, but us, the facilitators who were needed to be the 'line' for this arrow were also getting irritated.
Last but not least, how is it? is it fun? hehe,
Civil Engineering | Tips Untuk Menjadi Pelajar Kejuruteraan Awam
Posted on 11 October 2015
Assalamualaikum and Hello readers!
Malam ni aku ada idea pulak nak post apa kan. Untuk pelajar baru yang berjaya masuk IPT tu tahniah la ya, lagi-lagi kalau dapat Kejuruteraan Awam aka Civil Engineering. Kalau kat UTHM, ada 2 jenis Civil ni. Satu pure Civil Engineering, dan satu lagi Technology In Civil Engineering. Bezanya tak banyak pun. Pure banyak teori manakala techno pula banyak praktikal dan jugak lebih kepada alatan. So, basically belajar benda yang sama je. Cuma tambah tolak sikit je. Some people said that Civil Engineering is the most easiest engineering. Sebab aku tak pernah pun study bidang engineering lain.
Iya lah tu kot. Kalau mechanical and electrical tu korang belajar benda yang tak nampak. Kena bayangkan benda tu. Civil belajar pasal pembinaan, air and environment. Aku pun belum habis belajar lagi. Civil Engineering ni luas bidangnya.
1. Bukan macam Drama.
Kalau korang amik sebab nampak cool macam drama tu, lupakan lah. Lagi-lagi kalau tengok cerita sembilu dulu. Yang engineer bawak scroll banyak-banyak tu. Itu semua tipu. Yang bawak gulung-gulung tu semua arkitek. Civil engineer semua bawak dah lipat dah. Tak pun bawak blueprint je (kata lec aku lah). Kang terbang kat site nanti dah terkejar-kejar nak amik balik tu. Tak rasa macam kelakar ke? Dulu aku memang rasa engineer bawak tu aku rasa memang tu lah yang dia bawak. Tapi sejak lecturer cerita rasa benda tu jadi lawak sangat. Tak ada nya kau pergi kelas pakai baju smart bagai. Kalau classmate aku tu kadang-kadang aku perasan dekat seminggu pakai seluar yang sama. Takde nya pergi kelas rajin nye pakai kemeja lengan panjang siap ber-tie bagai melainkan kalau ada presentation je. Barulah semuanya nampak wow!
2. Tahan Panas.
Kalau mechanical dan electrical banyak kerja kat dalam. Sem ni aku ada amali luar. First amali kat luar dalam jerebu. Sepanjang hari aku asyik bersin je, sudahlah baju bengkel tu tebal. Sabar je lah. Lepas tu aku bawak lah kipas tangan. Bukannya guna pun. Tak sempat pun sebab sibuk kehulu kehilir pegang alat nak mengukur. Boleh pulak lecturer amik kipas aku tu dia guna. siap cakap, "Ni apa engineer pakai kipas". Lepas tu dah semua kawan aku tanya "Nana, tu bukan kipas kau ke?". Hahaha, layan kan je lah lecturer aku ni. Tapi aku suka buat amali kat luar ni walaupun panas. Walupun nampak macam aku ni tak tahan panas tapi aku suka belajar nak gunakan alat macam total station, staff, prism and else.
3. Fizik, Fizik dan Fizik.
Kalau dah namanya engineering ni memang tak dapat lari lah dari Fizik. Aku sem 1 dan 2 ada Fizik. Lepas tu punya lah gembira sem 3 takde fizik sekali hancur punah musnah segala harapan aku sebab setiap subjek ada terselit fizik. Rasa hampa je. Tapi kejap je lah, lepas tu kena move on kang hancur punah musnah pulak nanti pointer sem ni. Huhuhu, jangan jangan jangan.
4. Matematik Tambahan.
Sebenarnya, matematik tambahan tu ada kat algebra dan matematik engineering 1 je. Setelah tu takde kene mengena dah. Add math ni basic je. Bayangkan lah matematik engineering untuk degree ada sampai 4 kalau tak silap aku. Hahahha, hadap la ye nana oiii. Sem ni punya math eng 2 ada 2-3 mukasurat untuk jawapan je. Untuk degree pula ada sampai 4 Civil Engineering Mathematics. So, semoga berjaya lah ye
Yang gembiranya, civil engineering takyah hadap autocad ni banyak-banyak kali macam architecture. Civil tak guna banyak pun. Sem lepas aku sampai tak tidur malam hanya sebab nak siapkan drawing autocad ni. Tapi pada aku, drawing guna autocad lagi senang dari draw manually guna tangan. Tu lagi lah boleh membuatkan hilang sabar. Salah sikit je kena buat semuanya semula. Aku kan reti guna photoshop so, aku takde masalah untuk draw line dan tools kat autocad tu sebab dah biasa tengok. Cuma autocad ni lebih detail kat skala. Kalau photoshop takda set panjang nak berapa meter ke apa. Pada aku lebih kurang sama je autocad dengan photoshop ni. Cuma photoshop ni untuk arts. Software yang akan banyak digunakan in real life ialah ESTEEM, StaadPro, Microsoft Project, Hecras, dan sebagainya.
Kalau tak minat, boleh cuba minat. Mesti ada benda yang boleh menarik minat korang. Aku pun sedang mencuba. Perjalanan hidup aku sebagai pelajar Civil engineering pun masih jauh lagi. Doakan aku supaya berjaya dalam bidang yang parents aku pilih untuk aku. (mama cakap aku ganas so sesuailah amik ni). huhuhuhu, insyaAllah. Amin.... Lain hari aku share topik yang sama tapi benda lain pulak ye.
You guys can hit me up if you want my lecture notes from my diploma and degree (
Part 2 is here! (Link)
Assalamualaikum and Hello readers!
Dah lama tak update blog. Nak kat busy sangat tak, cuma malas. Malas ni macam penyakit yang susah nak hilang sepenuhnya kalau kita ni tak ada keinginan nak hilangkan penyakit ni. Kadang-kadang dah macam penyakit berjangkit. Bila kawan malas aku pun jadi malas. Kadang-kadang pula dah macam parasit tak pun kutu. Huuuuu~ Sekali dah lekat malas tu kat badan punya lah susah nak tinggalkan. Paling dasyat malas tu berlanjutan sampai berhari-hari, berminggu-minggu pun boleh.
Kalau tengok tajuk mesti nampak macam aku nak buat luahan perasaan pasal orang yang pentingkan diri sendiri, atau lebih senang selfish. Ya, kebanyakan orang yang pentingkan diri sendiri ni sangat menyusahkan orang lain sekelilingnya. Mereka yang macam ni lebih suka buat sesuatu tanpa memikirkan kesusahan yang akan dialami orang lain. Contoh yang paling senang ialah orang yang suka buang sampah yang bersepah. Bila mereka buang sampah, bukannya diorang fikir pun dengan kesannya dan dia mesti fikir akan ada orang yang kutip sampah diorang tu. Sebab tu diorang tak kisah je kalau nak buat sampah. Nak buat apa jadi orang yang bertanggungjawab ni kan, menyusahkan diri sendiri je. Asal lepas diri aku je dah lah. Yang kutip sampah, sapu jalan, mop lantai, bersihkan bilik air tu semua dah memang kerja dia. Dia dapat gaji dengan apa yang dia buat.
Bukannya diorang pernah fikir pun negara boleh jadi kotor sebab buang sampah bersepah-sepah tu. Boleh ada binatang-binatang kotor yang suka benda-benda macam tu contohnya lipas, biawak dan tikus. Yang cleaner tu bersungguh bersihkan tandas awam supaya kita boleh guna dengan selesa. Tapi sesetengah orang buang tisu dalam mangkuk tandas, lepas guna tak flush. Bagi aku mereka ni bukan setakat selfish, tapi pengotor.
Bukannya diorang pernah fikir pun negara boleh jadi kotor sebab buang sampah bersepah-sepah tu. Boleh ada binatang-binatang kotor yang suka benda-benda macam tu contohnya lipas, biawak dan tikus. Yang cleaner tu bersungguh bersihkan tandas awam supaya kita boleh guna dengan selesa. Tapi sesetengah orang buang tisu dalam mangkuk tandas, lepas guna tak flush. Bagi aku mereka ni bukan setakat selfish, tapi pengotor.
Kalau aku, kadang-kadang aku teringin juga nak jadi selfish untuk kebaikan diri sendiri. Tapi aku tak boleh sebab aku asyik fikirkan perasaan orang lain tapi bukan diri aku sendiri. Mungkin aku dah terbiasa mengalah memandangkan aku ni anak sulung. Ye lah, aku yang akak. Kalau aku yang tak mengalah siapa lagi kan. Tapi bila aku dah mengalah tu, aku akan menyesal nanti. Rasa macam kenapa lah aku ni soft-heart sangat walaupun aku selalu cakap lepas je.
Kadang-kadang tak salah kita nak jadi selfish kalau benda tu untuk diri kita sendiri, untuk kebaikan diri kita. Tapi kalau dah melampau tu memang tak patut lah kan?
Kadang-kadang tak salah kita nak jadi selfish kalau benda tu untuk diri kita sendiri, untuk kebaikan diri kita. Tapi kalau dah melampau tu memang tak patut lah kan?
p/s Sometimes it is good to be selfish for your own good, but don't be a selfishpig.
In drama review medical movie review pscyhological
Favorite: List Of Medical Dramas/Movies
Posted on 25 August 2015
Assalamualaikum and hello readers!
Next week I will going back to UTHM, getting ready for the new degree student's orientation week. We called it as MHS (Minggu Haluan Siswa). For the last MHS (click this to read my previous entry), which was for the diploma intake, most of my friends did not pass the interview session and some of them don't want to apply it. Fortunately for this time, I am not alone anymore.
If you read my previous post, you will know that I am addicted to medical dramas although I am a Physics student. When I was in form 5, I am interested in Biology and Medical but when I studying Biology, there are too many things that I need to remember and some terms were so complicated and difficult to pronounce.Well, i've got a bad memory tbh. So I said "Farewell, Biology!". But, that things will not get rid of my interest in medical and biology. By watching/reading something, can gain knowledge. So, here are my list!
1. The Flu (Movie)
For those who have watched this movie I know you will said that this movie is the best! I really love the child actress. She is so cute and adorable. This movie is about some new virus, H5N1 spreading across the Bundang. A single mother who is a doctor, Kim In Hae, a cute daughter, Mie Ru and a rescue worker and paramedic, Kang Ji Goo. This movie showed In Hae's struggles to save her daughter who was infected and Ji Goo who wanted to save Mie Ru. Many people died from the virus so they stayed at the quarantine camp. This movie showed people's greedy and selfishness on how to survive. It also showed love between a family and also pity with the infected. This movie is sad and also a bit funny. Not much but there're still some comedy elements in this movie. So, For those who haven't watch this movie, I totally recommended it!
2. Doctor Stranger (Drama)
For this drama, I really love how cheeky and spontaneous Lee Jong Suk is. Although it was a medical drama, it also have some rom-com element. For this drama, I am totally attached with the second role, Kang Sora and Park Hae Jin. I'm going crazy. hahaha~ The drama was sad in the end and at first, I could not understand the ending, but after watching it for the second time, I understand the story line. It was confusing and depressing because at first, I thought that the second role would not ended together. It was fun to watch this drama. I could see about that skilled heart surgeon in this drama. Totally recommended!
3. God's Quiz Season 1 - 4 (Drama)
There are 4 seasons for this Drama. I really love this Drama. In Season 4, they cast Donghae! Most of my friends knew that my bias is Donghae. But, I don't watch this Drama because of Donghae. This drama is about the elite doctors and a police who chasing mysterious death and to solve mysteries about some rare cases and diseases. There are some comedy element in this drama that will make you laugh but there are also some melo that will make you cry. I cried when Donghae died in the last episode for season 4. But the ending was nice and I want you to watch this Drama!
4. Doctor X Season 1 - 2 (Drama)
There are 2 seasons for this drama. Daimon Michiko is a 37-year-old surgeon and is part of a questionable ‘doctor placement service’ that has her wander from hospital to another. She holds a scrupulous compliance when it comes to her working hours, never does any unnecessary chores that don’t require a medical license, and couldn’t care less about the power struggles within the hospitals. Nobody knows how she acquired such a top-level skill that allows her to claim exorbitant sums as reward, but her private life is an even greater mystery to everyone around her. There are rumors that she once had to leave the medical world due to money problems and a medical error, but nobody knows anything for sure. I love her personality, so confident and cool. She never let people destroy herself and she believe herself more than anyone else because she know her own ability.
5. The Virus (Drama)
I can watch this drama for 100x times. There are some elements that are same with the movie: The Flu. Chief Detective Lee Myung-Hyun lead a "special infectious disease crisis response team" as they investigate a mysterious infection case where the virus has a 100% fatality rate. Lee Myung-Hyun faces the truth and fights against the power of evil. I learned biology when i was in high school so I can understand about why the carrier of the virus did not affected with the virus. The carrier spread the virus and bring harm to other people but not to himself. That's why they need the carrier to cure because the carrier have the antibody in his body and can make the vacine.
6. Yong Pal (Drama)
This Drama is still ongoing. It is the latest medical drama and I am looking forward of it. But I don't like it where the lead actor throw his pride just for money. Hmm, so basically this drama is about money. Rich people is above poor people. Without money you are nothing and you can't do anything. Tbh, it is the truth about nowadays. People becoming so crazy just because of money. This drama about an excellent surgeon who is in debt and need more money for her sister's dialysis. To make more money, he goes to see patients privately for a high fee. He doesn't care whether these patients are criminals as long as they can pay him. Tae Hyun becomes a pawn in the chief’s priority of catering to VIP patients within the hospital. But his life changes when he meets Han Yeo Jin, a chaebol heiress, who has been in a coma for three years.Tae Hyun helps Yeo Jin to wake from her sleep.
7. Deranged (Movie)
I think when you learn chemistry, you can understand what the actor said in the movie. It is because there are no explanation about what is he talking about. I only can understand what he said after awhile. Hahaha~ This movie is thrilling but I hate the fact that this movie is about some parasite worm. So f-ing disgusting. I hate something so long, shiny, sticky, no-leg and disgusting creatures. But it was fun to watch it! An epidemic of drownings, with victims jumping into the river causes panic around the country. The government declares a state of emergency. Medical supplies salesman Jae-Hyuk suspects his family is showing symptoms of the drowning victims. Through his brother, Detective Jae-Pil , Jae-Hyuk learns an antidote may be stored by at a warehouse.
8. Dr. Dolittle 1 - 3 (Movie)
I watched these movies a lot when I was a kid. A doctor who could talk to the animals. I am sure that most of you have watched these movies. It is about a doctor who love animals. For Dr. Dolittle 3, it is about his daughter who also became a doctor who could talk to the animals.
9. Kill Me, Heal Me (Drama)
This drama was so hilarious. This drama is about psychological disorder. For example, The main actor suffers from Dissosiative Personality Disorder (DID). Cha Do Hyun (Ji Sung) is a rich heir to a family company with one major problem. Due to suppressed childhood trauma, he suffers from dissociative identity disorder manifested in 7 unique personalities who are out of his control. In order to overcome this disorder in secret, he hires a first year psychiatric resident (Hwang Jung Eun) to help him heal by killing off each personality one by one. I laugh so much especially when Ahn Yoona and Perry Park came out. You must watch this!
10. It's Okay, That's Love (Drama)
Another psychological drama that I love!Fyi, Psychology is also medical.For those who addicted with the 'psychology' things like me, you will love this. I know a lot of things about psychology because I interested in it. If you watch this drama, I can guarantee that you will be fan girling over Jo In Sung. Well, I'm not watching only because of the lead actor but because of the storyline for sure. It's about Jang Jae-Yeol is a mystery writer and radio DJ. He suffers from a obsession. Ji Hae-Soo is going through her first year fellowship in psychiatry at a University Hospital. She chose psychiatry because she doesn't want to perform surgeries. After she meets Jang Jae-Yeol, her life goes through big changes. It's hilarious at first, but sad in the last episode. But don't worry, the ending was the best! This drama is the one that I love the most!
Fyi, the dramas/movies were in a random orders. I can't rate those dramas/movies. Oh ya! Last but not least, Pray for our country, Malaysia! Pray for its independence, successes and peace. InsyaAllah. Happy independence day Malaysia!
Assalamualaikum and Hello readers!
Just now, mama make ketupat for the upcoming marhaban at my house. She put all of the ketupat in the house, at the living room. Adik went out from my room and he went to me and said "Kaklong, tengok tu".
And I was shocked! Nano was lying in that big buckets that contains ketupat. She was lying comfortably while cleaning her fur. OMG! I must tell mama tomorrow. HUHUHU, naughty cat!
Ya! My story doesnt suit with my title. So, I am back to the right track. I want to show you my latest drawings. So, the highlight is Doctor Stranger for sure. I really love that drama! Really love it! Extremely LOVE this drama! I really love the lead actors/actress (Lee Jong Suk, Jin Se Yon, Park Hae Jin and Kang So Ra). Tbh, I really love to watch medical dramas. Other than learning Biology when I was in highschool, I gain something about medical while watching Medical Dramas. For example, about psychology. WOW! I really love this kind of things and I do a lot of research about psychology. So, I do know somethings that my friend don't know. Well, of course. We're engineering student and most of us don't have any interest about medical. It is completely opposite from engineering.
I draw Park Hoon a.k.a Lee Jong Suk from the drama, Doctor Stranger.
For this drawing, I draw Jack Frost from The Rise Of The Guardian.
So, in my opinion, Watching dramas/movies are not bad at all as long as you make a good use from it.
Assalamualaikum and hello readers!
There must be something that you want to tell people but you afraid that it may be hurt them,
So, you keep it by yourself.
There must be something that you want to tell people but they may be not understand,
So, you keep it by yourself.
There must be something that you want to do, but you can't because you don't have any power to do it,
So, you keep it by yourself.
You hope that people will understand you, but actually there are not,
So, it will be better if you keep it by yourself.
You hope that you will meet someone who understand you the most,
Assalamulaikum dan hai semua!
Masa untuk review buku sekali lagi! Hehehe, FYI, untuk buku buku BM, sekarang aku lagi berminat dengan buku-buku fixi. Setiap buku itu lain jalan cerita nya dan tajuk-tajuk buku nya pula hanya menggunakan satu perkataan je. Apa yang menarik minat aku untuk beli buku fixi ni sebab aku sukaaaaaaaaa sangat tengok drama/movie yang thriller/horror ni. sangat addicting. Oleh sebab tu bila aku tahu ada buku macam ni, aku beli lah tanpa fikir panjang. Bila baca balik romance novel punya kan, rasa macam urgh! Kenapa lah aku boleh terfikir nak baca ni. Hahahaha Semua jalan cerita almost the same. Boleh predict the ending.
Jadi, buku yang aku nak review harini bertajuk Ngeri hasil karya Gina Yap Lai Yoong. Buku ni berkisahkan 3 sekawan mahasiswa filem yang bercita-cita besar untuk maju sehingga ke Hollywood. Tapi, mereka sering mengahasilkan skrip-skrip cerita mengenai pembunuhan yang sadis, kejam dan tragis.
Akan tetapi, skirp-skrip yang mereka buat tak pernah diterima oleh pensyarah mereka. Pensyarah mereka cakap yang jalan cerita dan pembunuhan itu tak logik langsung. Nak dijadikan cerita, setiap cerita pembunuhan tragis yang mereka buat tu menjadi kenyataan dan menjadi kes pembunuhan bersiri di dalam negara.
Mereka bertiga tak tahu siapakah pembunuhnya. Adakah diantara mereka atau sesiapa saja yang tahu mengenai skrip mereka itu. Mereka hidup dalam ketakutan sebab satu demi satu orang yang mereka kenal mati secara tragis. mereka susah nak percaya kepada sesiapa. Even kepada sesama sendiri.
Apa ending nya? heh heh, kalau nak tau baca lah, tak best lah kalau aku cerita sampai habis kat sini. oh ya! buku ni ada sambungannya, tajuknya Mangsa. Ok, nak beli sangat tapi takda masa nak ke tempat lain, Kat Batu Pahat tak ada MPH Bookstore. Ada POPULAR je. Biasanya kat POPULAR tak ada buku fixi. Tu yang sadis semacam. Huhuhu
Kalau korang berminat, korang baca lah novel ni. Best sangat. Lepas baca tu rasa dapat idea pulak nak tulis cerita thriller. Aku pun teringin nak tulis cerita ber genre thriller. Later in the future, okay? Mana tau kala dah siap boleh publish kat fixi. Wahhhhh! Berangan habis. nama pena letak acenana. cewah, tolong lempang diri sendiri.
p/s Tahun ni tolong mama buat 8 jenis biskut raya. Wow! Habis ke nanti? Tak risau pun sebab selalu memang ramai tetamu. Kalau tak habis perut aku sedia ada nak habiskan.. hehe
Assalamualaikum and Hello guys!
It's time for a book review! yeay! yippie! Yahoo! Yay! Yay! Who love to read books? please raise your hand! Hehehe, Long ago, reading English novels was not my style at all. It was because my first language is Bahasa. So, I prefer Malay novels. I have lot of Malay novels and most of them were romance novel. Well, not really, I have started to read romance novel since I was in form 2. But then, I have stopped reading romance novel when I was 17 y/o. I prefer young adult novel, thriller, or horror novel. In my opinion, most of the plot for the romance novel (BM) is too cliche. By reading the intro or the synopsis of the book, I could predict the ending. But I am interested and in love with FIXI's novels.
So, the book that I recommended to you is My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody. This book is about a teenager who always screwed up everything. she was known as Baby Brooklyn because of her past. She could not decide anything good on her own. So, she found a good solution! She make a blog and asked to her reader about what she should do. Many people read and respond with her concerns. There are mixed emotions while reading this novel. Sometime I feel so happy, enjoying the book, mad, sad and irritated. The girl could not think anything reasonable and mature for her daily life. She always thinks that being popular and having a handsome boyfriend is everything.
By reading this book, I gained something about betraying of a friend. For example, Brooklyn's betrayed her when she was in trouble and she left her behind. When Brooklyn was not with her anymore, she could see that her former bestfriend was pretending about everything. She wants fame, popularity, and a movie-like boyfriend.
Last but not least, I totally recommend this book to all of you. It was fun to read. You can read anytime, anywhere.
I will review about my books again later in the future. I have a lot of books in my bedroom. Just wait and see. Hehehe, I have mini library in my bedroom. So, that's all for today.
Assalamualaikum and hello,
Hmm, sebenarnya aku tak sempat nak update blog bagai ni, tapi tetap nak update sebab I have something interesting to share. Takde lah interesting mana, but it is worth as something to read.
Boss vs Leader? hmm, Boss ni pada aku lah lebih kepada orang yang mengarah je tapi takde buat apa-apa usaha pun. Yang lain salah buat, dia marah tapi dia tak membantu. Leader pula lebih kepada membantu dan they lead the way. They guide orang untuk buat sesuatu dan bantu. Which one is better? For me, it's leader for sure. Being a boss will not solving any problems and there are also someone who should be a leader but they're being so bossy. Someone like them should not be a leader because being a leader they must guide and lead other people, not being so bossy about everything. Suruh orang buat macam-macam tapi diri sendiri tak buat apa. Dia cuma akan amik credit dari apa yang orang buat. Yes, it's a very bad thing to do.
Tapi, jadi leader ni pula kan, kalau kita baik sangat, berlembut sangat orang pijak kepala kita pula kan? Well, people. biasalah tu. Kalau berlembut sangat nanti kita pula yang buat kerja yang banyak, yang lain naik tanduk semuanya. Jadi tegas tapi tak bersifat macam boss. Kira macam kalau kita jadi leader ni, we must do everything fair and square, so everything will be fine. I guarantee.
From what I see so far, not everyone can be a good leader. I also not a good leader. I make mistakes a lot, and for sure I have experienced something bad that makes me wants to be a good leader in the future, and I don't want to be a soft-heart-leader anymore. Those experiences makes me more mature from day to day, makes me want to be fair to everyone in my group and also it makes me don't want to be a leader anymore. But people said 'once you be a leader, you always a leader'. I agree with that statement. But, I don't like it because sometimes be a leader can be a burden to myself. Kita kena guide orang biar semua akan okay je, takde masalah, perfect je. But, nobody is perfect right?
Last but not least, you can choose what you want to be. A leader or a boss, and make sure you never do something half-heart. Always work hard no matter what you do even when you don't feel like you want to do it. Always work hard so that you will achieve something great. So, your hard work will paid off.
Tu je lah kot apa yang aku nak share. Esok ada kelas, Technical Communication 2 (English). Maybe I will have some simple presentation to do tomorrow about my group's imaginary company. Hehehe,
The picture above is my group's company logo. Hehehe, I made it by using photoshop. Idk how to do some formal and not cute things. So, this is my style. I love cute things. What can I do right? Farewell guys!
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