Assalamualaikum and Hello Readers!
I don't have anything interested to share in this blog lately, so I will tell some stories about me. It happened September 2015. Another great experience for me, yeayyy.
I have joined Minggu Haluan Siswa (MHS) for the second time, but for this one, it was for the new degree student. Even thought I am a diploma student, I joined this and I learned about how to communicate with people who is older than me. Tbh, there are some degree student who are same age as me, but they call me Akak. Huhuhu, It is okay, they don't know that I am a diploma student.
So, let the pictures tell you the story!

My group member and I.

Fiqa and I with the sore eyes. Before this picture was taken by Paan, Fiqa and I were sleeping soundly in that comfortable cinema chair. When we were awake, we saw Paan and I called him and force him to take a picture of us. Haha!

Once again, I was in Unit Modul dan Sambutan. The most tiring unit with the most members in it.

1st day of MHS. The most tiring day and I managed to get over with it. Hoorrayyy nana!

When the student get the comfortable chairs, we sat at the back of the hall. For that night, Fiqa and I could wear baju kurung, if not we must wear the MHS shirt for the whole day. In the night, we will wash the shirt and dry it and wear it again the day after. Tsk!
'Even if you are tired as hell, you must smile. If not said 'tiga', It will help you to smile'. They always said this quote to us.

Oh ya! For their orientation week, there were some celebrities came visiting them such as the reporter of ntv7, the emcee for Nasi Lemak Kopi O show, and the most popular celebrities were Fahrin Ahmad and Izzue Islam. I envy them.

The most annoying thing to do. Not only the student hate this, but us, the facilitators who were needed to be the 'line' for this arrow were also getting irritated.
Last but not least, how is it? is it fun? hehe,
Izzue & Fahrin datang? Bestnyee