In viral

Viral | Whales, Tiger And Sun Bear Seen Roaming Around In Terengganu

plants on rocky mountain under blue sky
Assalamualaikum and welcome to Jellove!

Isn't it exciting to see that suddenly these animals appear out of nowhere? Yes. You also can see it as a joke. 
"Aku dah kata ada yang main jumanji" - anon
Try to open your eyes, and see in different ways. Did you ever wonder why these animals came out from their natural habitat? did you? If you haven't, think now. Read this post. You don't need to study science or environment to see this issue. We, as greedy humans are destroying their habitat. Their habitat is in danger. We are destroying our ecosystem by building more and more shopping malls, commercial areas, and houses. Didn't we have more than enough shopping malls? Especially in the city. 

The first issue was the orcas spotted near Terengganu and also there are so many whales found dead on Iceland beach. The whales were spotted by the Petronas staff 16 July 2019. I think that maybe they are migrated to find a place which suitable temperature. This protected species sighted near Terengganu waters for the first time.

Image from Bernama

The second issue appears to be two tigers (Harimau Belang) shows up at Terengganu and have been strolling around on the road. However, the tiger appears to be tame and attacking human. The tiger might be someone's pet. According to, this is the third incidents that happen in Terengganu. The first one was in February 2016, a tiger (Harimau Belang) was found dead after involving in an accident with an MPV at Kemaman, Terengganu.  The second one was in November 2018 where a black panther was found dead after being hit by a car near Dungun, Terengganu.

Image from Twitter
Source: Twitter

The latest arising issue should be a sun bear has been caught after a week with the tiger and whales issues. stated that a sun bear appearing to be around the village feasting some coconuts, jackfruits and honey. However, according to, there are still 2 sun bears on the loose, and the captured sun bear will be released to their natural habitat soon after a health check by the veterinary.

Image from Bernama
Source: Bernama

This is not a joke. We are being blinded with money and greeds until we do not realise that we actually have been destroying our ecosystem, the animal's natural habitat and also our earth. Look at those pitiful eyes, they are screaming for help. They are hungry and lost. Although some of them are predators, but the real predator is us. The evil one is us. Stop all these fights between humans and join hands together to conserve our nature, our home, our air to breath, and our water to drink.  It is so so sad to see that we, as a human stupidly blinded with money and greeds until we lost our humanity. 

- Nana

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In blog

Blog | Drop Your Link In The Comment Section To Be In My Bloglist

person using laptop computer beside aloe vera Assalamualaikum and welcome to Jellove!

The reason why I still blogging after all these years is that reading people's stories and blog posts sometimes can make me knowledgeable.  There are so many interesting and heartfelt stories from you guys. When I was preparing to be in the university, I find information through the blog. Any tips and tricks also I can found by reading from the blog and even when I am going for a travel, I choose to find info from the blog. It is because there are so many people like to share their experiences through the blog and it is helping me a lot. Most of the writers that I found here are mature, thoughtful and kind. I also love to share my experiences and my stories here so that maybe one day, someone will find it beneficial and informative.

I don't really have enough time to randomly blog walking anymore. We will not exchange links, but if you want to share my blog into your Blogspot, why not? I want to make this segment as easy as possible for both parties. The terms and conditions are:
  1. Must have a Blogspot/WordPress/etc account
  2. The blog must be updated regularly
  3. Can be either written in English or Malay or both
  4. The blog must not mainly for business purposes only
  5. Not using any offensive words/pictures
  6. Not a blog for tutorial/DIY/etc

I think it is enough for now. So guys, what are you waiting for? please help me to spread the news and don't forget to drop your link in the comment section below. Help me so that I can go blogwalking 😇
Don't forget to tell the others to drop their link here.
-Nana 🙋

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In Health

Health | Overconsumption of Sugar Among Malaysian Can Kill

cookies with sauce
Assalamualaikum and welcome to Jellove!

In recent years, I realize that the popularity of sweet food and drinks has skyrocketed. You can find sweet food and drinks almost anywhere. There are deserts with molten chocolates and strawberry, cakes, drinks with whipped cream, Brown Sugar Bubble Milktea, ice cream, shaved ice, and many more. It is good to eat something sweet once in a while but if you eat sweet too often, it is becoming unhealthy. I think that Malaysian need to be aware and need to control their sugar intake. It is because sooner or later it will become a disease and it kills you. 

What I realize from living in Malaysia, mostly whenever I order a drink without saying 'kurang gula' they will make the beverage so sweet. Sometimes, even when I said 'kurang gula', I still got a very sweet drink. I seriously can not relate, how in the world people can have a sweet beverage without drinking plain water afterward?

When I went to a restaurant, I had to bring my own mineral water because I can not drink their Teh O Ais or Milo Ais. They even put the sugar on the table so that the customer will put sugar inside their own meals. I was culture-shocked! Obviously not because they are from Kelantan or Terengganu but because of their sugar intake. Malaysian need to be aware that overly sugar intakes can contribute to extra calories. It is very unhealthy and it leads to so many diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and many more. 

//The amount of sugar that your body needs

The amount of sugar that your body needs to keep the blood sugar value normal is less than one teaspoon. You can read about it in detail by clicking (link).

//The negative effect of sugar on your body

There are so many negative effects on your body if you are consuming a lot of sugar. The effects are it may increase your stress level. Other than that, sugar will takes important nutrients in our body. That's why a large amount of sugar intake will be harmful. Although sugar may cause so many life-threatening diseases, eating too much sugar also may cause your tooth decay. That is why it is very important to brush your teeth twice a day. Then, sugar also causes your body to age faster. It will easily produce wrinkles and your skin sagging. Then, sugar can cause life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and gum disease.

//Smart ways to eat less sugar

Some effective tips that you can apply right away are to trying to eat sweet moderately if you can't stop immediately. If you are consuming too much sugar and suddenly stop eating sweets, it may cause you to have dizziness. You should eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plain water and avoid sugar-loaded desserts. Don't eat junk food but choose to eat the full coarse meal. When you are going to the supermarket to buy drinks or food, it is good to be aware of the sugar level in the food by reading the information section on the can. Never trust 'healthy' drinks or 'sugar-free' drinks. Eat more protein and fat.

Here are the signs of eating too much sugar:

So, if you’ve been struggling with a muffin top that won’t budge or persistent belly fat, maybe it’s time to listen in. Maybe your body is trying to tell you to quit sugar. #sugar #fat #weightloss 
source: (link)

Stop drinking too much Boba Milktea, all the drinks with the whipped creams and carbonated drink. All the trendy things might not be good for you and your health comes first. So, love yourself first before loving someone. Take good care of your own body by eating something healthy. How about you guys? do you think that you are eating too much sugar?

-Nana 🙋

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In civil engineering

Civil Engineering | Praktikal Di Syarikat Consultant

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
Assalamualaikum and hi readers!

Lately, I have taken my time and holiday to be an intern at the Civil and Structural Engineering firm somewhere in Malaysia. Well, from what I can say, there are so many bad and good things happen around me recently. Working as an intern here is completely different like when I was an intern at Sime Darby. Probably because this is a C&S firm and Sime Darby is a developer company. You can read about my experience when I was an intern at Sime Darby. (Link)

p/s: acah-acah session 👷

At here, I can implement most of the subjects that I have learned in my studies. Especially for all the design subjects (foundation engineering, hydrology, hydraulics, highway & traffic engineering, reinforced concrete 1&2, and many more). I learned how to correct the drawing by using AutoCAD and some other similar software, which is ZWCAD. To be honest, I was so afraid to be an intern here since this professional field of work requires a lot of knowledge and imaginations. As an engineer, I need to design the structure that can withstand for a very long time. One single mistake can cause fatality. It is a very long process to achieve the best design for a project. But the thing is, I learned a lot from the engineers here. They always guide me with their best effort. I feel so thankful to them and they got my respect.

There are so much more of the things that I can learn here because I just started internship last 30th June. I can assure you that there will be much more to share with you guys later!

-Nana 🙋
How about you guys? have you work as an intern before? Tell me in the comment section down below!

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