In Lifestyle

Lifestyle | Life is Always a Beginning of Everything

Assalamualikum and welcome to Jellove! 👀

My mind overflow with ideas to blog so I just thought why not to do it right away, and here I am! Working on to write this blog post. I hope that it may be beneficial to all.

The topic that I choose today is "Life is Always a Beginning of Everything". There are some people who always walking on the right path, the easier way of life to avoid any difficulties that may be troublesome in daily life. Well, I feel that way too. I always think that I should not take this path because it is hard, and it is not my speciality, which the path that I fear the most in my life. I always blame myself for taking this path and I even blaming others who suggest me for taking this hard path to walk in my life. Well, to be very honest with myself and also to my readers, It is my own fault for listening to other people's suggestion and agreeing without giving serious thought of it. I just try to find excuses to get away from me who blaming myself for everything. It is more like self-comfort, right?

There is a moment when you start envying the professional experts who already excel in what they do from the various fields such as a painter, an actor, writer, an engineer, teacher, scientist, etc. Why should you envy them? You just sit and do nothing. Yes... You should be ashamed of yourself. Why always self-doubting? Why not you just walk away from your comfort zone and start to do it. Be an expert. Be a professional. Be someone who excels in what you choose to do. You may be failed a thousand time and it may be hard to achieve your dream. Besides, you may take a U-turn and start from the starting point. It will be exhausted and feels like you are running in a loop. There is no end and no beginning of it. You may feel lost, exhausted and even stupid. Same goes for me. I hate to feel so imperfect and lacking because I do like a dumb person, and that is the reason I afraid to feel new things. But, that is life. life has its up and down. Life is like riding a roller coaster so just cope with it and move on. 💆

I slightly disagree with the sayings: "untunglah reti...", "untunglah pandai...", "untunglah berbakat...". 😤Why? Because the one that you said those sayings are started their chosen path earlier than you. That is the reason why they seem like an expert. Rather than saying those, why not you stand up, get out from your own world and started the journey. Learn and feel new things. For a beginner, it is always hard and exhausting, but with practices and persistence, you can be an expert. Just keep believing in yourself. It is okay to keep trying to do new things. You may be late to reach the end but you will feel more achieved than anyone else in the world because you gain more knowledge than them.

Last but not least, life is always a beginning of everything. There are so many things to learn and there is no end to learn. Besides, by work hard to achieve your dream, you also need to avoid being greed and always be grateful. In that way, you can walk on a difficult path with a light heart.

Have a good day, readers! Thank you for reading 🙋

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  1. i hope i can write english as well as you

  2. aisyah elsa: thanks dear :) i dont write in eng quite well btw.. still practising

  3. ah I agree with you. but i think my life will be a long journey because i still don't know what i wanna be or doing soon :) life never be easy hehe

    1. yes, life is never be easy. It feels like you are riding a roller coaster :D

  4. That is life, we all gonna be there at some point, but as long as we live there is so much life itself had to offer. Have a good day too dear.

    The Hundred Pages | Eyqa Zq

  5. thanks for sharing dear ! motivation for me :D

  6. everyone walks at a different pace in life so don't be discourage if you see someone on chapter 20 while you're barely making it through chapter 2 :)

    erin x | oh, erin writes

