Assalamualaikum and hello readers!
Welcome to my blog! I haven't blog for a while. I just don't have much free time to blog often and also commitments towards my studies and many more! Furthermore, I also don't have any topic to blog other than keep posting my artworks. Yup, if you read my previous posts, I keep sharing my drawings rather than posting any interesting topics for my blog. Well, hoping that one day I have so many interesting topics to share and can blog often. Maybe? I hope so.
My last post was on December 10th 2017!😱 Haven't post anything almost a year, and today, when I am writing this post, it is July 10th 2018. To get new feels, I changed my blog's background, my intro, and links to my social media accounts. So! you can contact me through my Instagram account or through I will try to answer everything you ask and maybe requests. Actually, I want to change my blog's template but I already forgot about javascript. FYI, I edit my blog using Classic Template where I can costume made my blog's template. I actually already hate seeing my blog being too pinkish. I am so sorry for those who feel uncomfortable with my too-pinkish-blog. But, I think my blog is quite simple with minimum widgets, colours and some other fancy kinds of stuff that I actually forget what it is called. (self-proud). I want to change the theme colour later. Only if I got enough time to do so. 😅 Actually, it is not I got enough time or not. It is just my will. am I right?
Enough with the babbles, I will share some of my drawings which I draw this year.

This is Malacca Palace. I guess? I just searched some old palace in Malaysia to draw. It is because I love to see Malaysia's old architecture. It is so unique and has its own feels. From what I have learned in this semester, an old Malay's house has the best natural ventilation system which the design itself allows wind to travel throughout the house through the roof, doors, and windows. The height of the house also affecting the temperature in the house.

My friend requested me to draw his house. So, that is the result of my drawing. Hahaha
So, I hope that I can blog often and blogwalking often. It is fun to read other people's post but yeah. My laziness got me again. I want to throw away my laziness and be committed to blog often. Pray-for-nana.
See ya!