Today I learn new things from youtube. I draw semi-realistic anime. Hihihi, although it is not perfect but I love it. After this, I will draw a lot and i even wanted to try to draw something interior design and of course it will be challenging.

Tadaaaaa~ i don't like the hair because I draw it in lazy mood but I love the face. hahahaha, Such a pityful-looking girl. Practice makes perfect. so, keep practicing Nana! fighting! My friend interested in fashion design, so he asked me to teach him how to draw body proportion so, I teach him and he do it well. I hope that he can achieve his ambition.
When I mohon for UPU, I think to put one out of eight choice for arts, so i decided to choose Interior Design. But, someone told me that Interior design is tough course. But at the same time it is good. i Don't know. Confuse. May Allah makes me feel more easier to make right choice for myself. I choose Diploma TESL at UniSZA, Asasi TESL at UiTM, Diploma Farmasi at UiTM, Asasi Bahasa Inggeris at UIAM, Diploma Sains Komputer (TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT) at UTM, Diploma Reka Bentuk Dalaman at UiTM, Diploma Teknologi Makmal Perubatan at UniSZA, and Diploma Teknologi Makanan at UiTM. Out of eight, only one will I get. My friend said to me. Well, I though I will get more than 1. Just luck and I must pray to Allah. What do you think? is it the right choices?